Discover Western Australia and beyond

Hello and welcome to my page!

My name is Tracey Ray and I would like to thank you for visiting my website. I hope that you love what you see here as much as I have loved capturing each and every one of these images and sharing them with you. Come and visit from time to time as I will be adding new images often, self confessed photography addict here...

I've always been "That girl", the one who everyone is always waiting for, because I'm completely absorbed in taking photos of the incredible beauty of the nature that I see all around me. For as long as I can remember, I have always seen the world in photos, I see pictures everywhere I look, It's not something that I can turn off or ignore, it's just who I am, much to my very patient family's annoyance... My goal with my Photography is to make my viewer feel something when they look at one of my images. A good image to me is one that can invoke emotion, whether it be a true appreciation for the beauty in the image, a feeling brought up by a memory of the location, a desire to visit the location to view it's beauty for themselves, or just simply by bringing someone joy or happiness by appreciating the beauty in one of my images. Thank you for visiting my page, by doing so you have already shown me that I have succeeded in my goal of making you feel some sort of emotion after seeing one of my images, that for me is very gratifying..

If there is a special place that you would love to see a beautiful photograph of then don't hesitate to get in touch, I may have something hidden away or I am able to be commissioned to create a beautiful image especially for you of any location you like around Perth or further afield upon discussion.


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Perth Area Images

Regional Western Australia Images

Interstate And International Images
Bird And Animal Images